Past media projects

Media projects our team has been involved with.

2018 - “Siren” Freeform
Season 1"

2017 - "GeoArc Presents: The Lava Lake Laboratory – TEASER”
GeoArc Foundation

2016 - "Uncharted Canada - Terres d'exploration - Volcans,
retour aux origines" Season 1, Episode 3,

2012 - “Asia: Rising Mountains and Sinking Countries - Voyage
of the Continents”, Season 1, Episode 3, Films Media Group

2006 - "Surviving Disaster – Fire Mountain, Eruption at
Mount St. Helens" Season 1, Episode 2, BBC/Big Blow Productions

2005 - "Supervolcano" Big Blast Productions -
BBC/Discovery Channel/Big Blast Productions